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Accessories and Chargers - Mobiles

Accessories and Chargers - Mobiles

It is important to recycle all your mobile phone accessories when you are upgrading mobile phone or when your phone has died. (As opposed to stuffing it in  your cupboard!)

Most mobile phone recycling schemes will accept your mobile phone chargers and accessories as well as the mobile phone itself. Accessories include chargers, cases, SIM cards, car kits etc.

Mobile Muster is probably the best known mobile phone collection program. They work with Australia Post, local councils and mobile phone retailers to provide a free and socially responsible method of mobile phone disposal.

Ensure that the battery is drained before posting in or dropping off your mobile phone. Some recycling services will also ask for you to remove the battery when posting in your mobile phone, to ensure that the mobile does not turn on while in transit. 
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Science Notes
Mobile phones, chargers and accessories go through six stages of recycling. 

This process includes sorted into batteries, circuits, casings, accessories, and packaging. Each category is then processed and recycled accordingly. Materials extracted include plastic, gold, copper, lithium, and cobalt.  These products are then made into things like stainless steel, plastic fence posts and batteries.

Related Tip
There are also a number of different charitable organisations who earn money from collecting old mobile phones and their accessories. YouCan is one of them. They help Australian youth with cancer. By posting them your old mobile phone they can raise money and make a difference. You can find them and others here.